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RE-PLAY festival, 7ème édition !

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RE-PLAY festival, 7ème édition !

Postby y(oYo) » 11 October 2018, 21:21


Salut les copains !
Le week-end du 20 et 21 octobre aura lieu la 7ème édition du festival de retrogaming RE-PLAY, un évènement que je co-organise depuis plusieurs années déjà.
Si certains d'entre vous sont proche des Alpes-Maritimes, n'hésitez pas à venir faire un tour !

Plus d'infos ici :
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RE-PLAY festival, 7th edition!

Postby y(oYo) » 11 October 2018, 21:24


Hello guys!
In october, the 20th and 21st, will be held the 7th RE-PLAY retrogaming festival, in the South-East of France (Côte d'Azur).
I use to co-organize this event for many years.
If some of you are hereabout, please come and visit me / this cool event!

More information here (it's in french, sorry):
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Re: RE-PLAY festival, 7ème édition !

Postby Sjaaks » 18 October 2018, 07:55

Oh i would love to! But unfortunately it's a little too far from the Netherlands... ;)

Have fun!
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