- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

Collaborative library of Nintendo boxes

For NES, SNES, N64, G&W, GB, VB, GBC and GBA consoles
Enhance your loose video games collection for free
Help saving videogaming legacy
Contribute to the project by sending your scans and your restored boxes

Find how to make your boxes easily


Website news

You won’t have missed it, but the website has experienced a few hiccups lately, and things escalated in the past few days with complete unavailability. I’ve just done what’s necessary to get the site back on track, but be aware that it’s technically hanging by a thread! It’s built on very old technologies and would require a complete rewrite, which unfortunately I don’t have time for.

However, while getting the site back up, I took the opportunity to address some long-standing issues:

- Renewed the domain name for an additional year (my bad ;))
- The
You may have already noticed, but the site has come to life again these days, thanks to new team member Laurent2cv.
A huge thanks to him for his commitment !

Laurent is an old school gamer since the beginning, and wanted to join the team for a long time to help the project.
He left the South of France 11 years ago to settle in Normandie, where he lives in the countryside surrended by many of his animals.
Soon 43, Laurent is a self-taught who learns everything from carpentry, electricity, bodywork to ship modelling.
"Retro gaming?" not a trend, just a way of life !

Hello !

As you may have noticed, I don't have so much time to handle this site.
I'm still keeping it alive, and secretely hope that one day, I'll recover the motication.
Meanwhile, the forum regularly encounters an issue regarding disk space usage.
And I must regularly do some cleanup, and you cannot access it during long days.
To whipe this problem out, I've decided to remove the "Download for printing" button for manuals.
The reason is quite simple, it avoids storing manuals twice, and then spare some usefull disk space.

I hope to get better news in the future, but meanwhile, if some of you...

Hello all !

We live in a strange and timeless period, I therefore hope that you are doing well as your loved ones.
I have not given any news here for a long time, but trust me I still pay attention to ensure the site is working properly.
I know my administrator buddies continue to post new contributions relentlessly, and I take this opportunity to thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Last week, I was reported a problem with registrations at the Captcha level, and also on the contact page. Indeed, I confirm that a bug appeared in April concerning this...
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Latest added files

Live from the forum

label321 Wednesday 24 July 2024, 15:36
Hi There,

Is here someone that can upload Nintendo deluxe set colsole box.

Please let me know.

Regards Justin.
Setolam Monday 22 July 2024, 15:36
Hello, and welcome to the website. I don't mean to be rude, but most people register in and their first message to ask for a list of boxes that are not on the website, without sharing anything before or in exchange for the many that are already there. So that makes it difficult that boxes that aren't there yet come in.

I hope you are lucky and someone is encouraged to share something you are looking for, sadly, if it is not in the collection of someone who share things, you probably won't see them here.

Another option is make the version...
Setolam Monday 22 July 2024, 15:28
Hello and welcome to the web, I hope that you enjoy here, and it will be great to see your result with your created boxes.

This web only accept original looks boxes, then custom are not allowed, mainly because the web is focus in preserve and show how was the boxes for the games. How you say, is very hard to get many games completes and in good condition.

You can share any file in the upper menu option contribute, the last option, when you are log in. There there are a drop files zone, where you can put your...
Buarque Sunday 21 July 2024, 19:16
Olá pessoal,

Meu nome é Daniel Buarque, e sou do Brasil.

Primeiramente gostaria de dizer que o colecionismo me abriu vários novos horizontes, principalmente em relação as restaurações de artes, labels, covers, caixas, manuais, entre outros. Em segundo lugar, adorei o website/fórum! Descobri o site através de umas pesquisa na Internet sobre artes de caixas. A partir deste ponto, passei a fazer as caixas dos meus cartuchos, não só dos sistemas da Nintendo, mas também como de outros sistemas, como por exemplo, o Atari 2660, o SEGA Master System, e seus acessórios comercializados no Brasil pela TECTOY (empresa que estabeleceu uma parceria...
Helmuth Tuesday 16 July 2024, 12:48
Hi, NES Mario is missing and Donkey Kong JR also have this issue. Thanks.
Jeff3786 Tuesday 9 July 2024, 07:13
Bonjour ami breton et bienvenue ici :)
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Files improvement

Work in progress

Here are the works in progress by our members. If you would like to help, please report it on any download pages:

Priority requests

Some files need a retouch, or a new scan. Here are the most priority requests:

All requests

Errors reports

Sometimes, it can happend that files get some errors, or mistakes. Here are your reports:

All reports