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Sorry, your download limit has been reached

Nan pas possible ! Bon, aussi exceptionnel que cela puisse être, si vous tombez nez à nez avec un bug qui vous empêche d'avancer, ne paniquez pas. Jaugez un peu la bête, essayez de comprendre ce que vous avez fait pour en arriver là, et postez un message ici pour me tenir au courant afin que je rectifie le tir.

Sorry, your download limit has been reached

Postby jt » 13 March 2018, 14:10

Hello, I have a problem since yesterday, every time I want to download a template I get this message:

Sorry, your download limit has been reached :cry:

Are there some requirements that I need so that I do not have this limit?

I have only been able to download several files and I can not start doing my first tests. I hope someone can help me.

A greeting and thanks in advance. ;)
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Re: Sorry, your download limit has been reached

Postby y(oYo) » 13 March 2018, 21:59

Answered in your previous post, if you downloaded less than 100 files in one day, then there is a bug on the site's download count :?
Thank you for your feedback.
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Re: Sorry, your download limit has been reached

Postby jt » 16 March 2018, 14:03

y(oYo) wrote:Answered in your previous post, if you downloaded less than 100 files in one day, then there is a bug on the site's download count :?
Thank you for your feedback.

I only download less than 10 files and have problems. I'm going to try to see if I still have problems. Greetings and thank you
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Re: Sorry, your download limit has been reached

Postby jt » 16 March 2018, 14:41


I just tested if I still give problems the downloads and correct. I can only download 10 files as maximum. :cry:

someone fix this problem please to download without problems. I would appreciate it very much. a greeting
Last edited by jt on 17 March 2018, 16:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sorry, your download limit has been reached

Postby jt » 17 March 2018, 16:34

please fix download limit. I can only download 10 files as maximum
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Re: Sorry, your download limit has been reached

Postby y(oYo) » 20 March 2018, 08:42

Ok, I will have to dig a little to find why for some members, download count is x10 faster :?
Until then, you will have to come here more often :D
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Re: Sorry, your download limit has been reached

Postby jt » 20 March 2018, 09:29

y(oYo) wrote:Ok, I will have to dig a little to find why for some members, download count is x10 faster :?
Until then, you will have to come here more often :D

Thank you very much for your help. I am going to come to this forum whenever I can. I will be attentive to check if you can fix this problem. again thanks. you have a good day.
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Re: Sorry, your download limit has been reached

Postby jt » 05 July 2018, 11:02

bonjour, je suis dans le forum depuis longtemps et j'ai encore la limite de téléchargements et je ne peux que télécharger quelques couvertures, quelqu'un peut-il résoudre mon problème s'il vous plaît, salutations :( :? :cry:
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Re: Sorry, your download limit has been reached

Postby baraqui » 05 July 2018, 20:36

Essaye avec un autre navigateur.

Ou alors avec un VPN comme winscribe.

Si rien ne fonctionne, pour te dépanner pm moi les couvertures je te ferais un upload.
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Re: Sorry, your download limit has been reached

Postby y(oYo) » 06 July 2018, 08:54


Comme répondu par MP, quels sont tes besoins en terme de volume de téléchargement ?
J'imagine que pour faire tes propres boites, ceux qui en fabriquent sont d'accord pour dire qu'il vaut mieux les faire par petits lots.
Donc si tu prépares tes impressions par 20 ou par 30, il te faudra déjà un certain temps pour les réaliser ;)
Du coup la limite de 10 par jour, même si c'est un bug pour toi, me paraît pas vraiment un handicap.

De toute façon j'ai pas le temps de développer sur le site depuis un bail :lol:
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