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Your download limit has been reached.

Nan pas possible ! Bon, aussi exceptionnel que cela puisse être, si vous tombez nez à nez avec un bug qui vous empêche d'avancer, ne paniquez pas. Jaugez un peu la bête, essayez de comprendre ce que vous avez fait pour en arriver là, et postez un message ici pour me tenir au courant afin que je rectifie le tir.

Your download limit has been reached.

Postby willjay_01 » 18 July 2016, 22:18

I registered on the site with the intention to restore and rebuilding some stickers and boxes
but after downloading some 8 stickers
I received a notification that says:
Sorry, your download limit has been reached.

Why the download limit is so small?

This is happening with everyone or just with me.

In the Oldiescovers times there was no such limit.
For what this was implemented now?
Is there any way to increase this limit?
Posts: 5
Joined: 18 July 2016, 02:31

Re: Your download limit has been reached.

Postby will13009 » 18 July 2016, 22:41


On pourra peut être augmenter la limite quand vous aurez appris les formules de politesse... :roll:
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Re: Your download limit has been reached.

Postby willjay_01 » 18 July 2016, 22:46

will13009 wrote:Bonjour,

On pourra peut être augmenter la limite quand vous aurez appris les formules de politesse... :roll:

How can I do this?
Should I ask for an increase in a expecifico topic?
Can you tell me?

Sorry if I seem rude earlier.
It is because my English is not very good
I may have chosen the wrong words.
Posts: 5
Joined: 18 July 2016, 02:31

Re: Your download limit has been reached.

Postby y(oYo) » 18 July 2016, 23:32

Download limits should be about 100 files per day.
I know some users may encounter some bugs with this count.
For the moment, the only workaround is to be patient and to download little by little each day.

And as Will well said: Hello, thank you, etc. :roll:
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Re: Your download limit has been reached.

Postby willjay_01 » 19 July 2016, 01:05

y(oYo) wrote:Download limits should be about 100 files per day.
I know some users may encounter some bugs with this count.
For the moment, the only workaround is to be patient and to download little by little each day.

And as Will well said: Hello, thank you, etc. :roll:

Hello y(oYo)
Really I seemed kind of rude.
and I apologize for that.
I not really have a good English and do not know anything about French
More thanks for clarifying my doubts.
100 downloads per day seems a very good number
and what happened was a Bug I feel more relieved.
See my limit had been reached with only 8 downloads made me really sad.
Do what right? I will wait the limit being renovated.

Thank you again.
Posts: 5
Joined: 18 July 2016, 02:31

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