- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

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Super Mario Land 2 Deluxe

Ok je sais ce que vous allez me dire, "j'ai une collection rétro qui déchire, patati patata, et grace à NintAndBox, j'ai pu encore plus l'embellir en habillant mes pauvres jeux en loose, merci je vous suis redevable sur 10 générations". Ah ouais ? Alors prouvez le ici, postez vos photos et frimez devant la galerie !

Super Mario Land 2 Deluxe

Postby alberto03 » 11 October 2024, 18:48

Hi everyone!
I’d like to show you the custom box I created for Super Mario Land 2 DX, a mod that brings color to my favorite Mario game (alongside Super Mario Bros. 3) for the original Game Boy.

The design is based on the original box, with the "DX" added to the title in a matching font style. On the back, I updated and translated the description into Italian, and included information about Luigi as a playable character (selectable from the menu).

I hope you like it and consider adding it to your boxed collection, even though it’s an unofficial release!
Super Mario Land 2 DX Box [ITA]
Super-Mario-Land-2-DX-Box.jpg (380.78 KiB) Viewed 81640 times
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Joined: 11 October 2024, 18:06

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