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Nintendo Samurai Indian Version

Comme son nom l'indique, c'est ici que vous pouvez poster les demandes de scans qui ne rentrent pas vraiment dans les cases normales du site.
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Nintendo Samurai Indian Version

Postby lochness10 » 28 March 2023, 08:32

The Nintendo Nes was actually marketed as 'Samurai' for the Indian Subcontinent.
Can anyone make a console box or maybe even retouch the images that I found over the internet and probably vectorise it. ... n-version/
Much appreciated.
Posts: 1
Joined: 30 July 2022, 08:26

Re: Nintendo Samurai Indian Version

Postby Martwansito » 04 April 2023, 19:14

Hard to do so without a proper scan!

It's quite an interesting box actually, I love the accurate recreation of the famous NES box photo :lol:
Would be epic if someone could provide a scan, why dont you try asking at that forum?
Posts: 62
Joined: 08 April 2017, 01:44
Location: Spain

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