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Pokemon in others languages

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Pokemon in others languages

Postby AleMasca » 02 December 2016, 21:46

Hi guys, sorry if speak english but i live in Italy and i really don't understand french. I'm looking the following game's stickers:
-Pokemon red in italian and spanish
-Pokemon blue in italian and in spanish
-Pokemon yellow in italian and spanish
-Pokemon gold in italian and spanish
-Pokemon silver in italian and spanish
-Pokemon cristal in italian and spanish

Can someone please help me? I have the games but not the stickers so i can't scan them by myself. If it is possibile it will be great to have also the boxes and the manuals.

I saw that the french stickers are similar to the italian and the spanish ones. The only differeces are the words on the gray label on the side (DMG-APSF-FRA etc...). So i tought that i could try using someting like Photoshop to replace these words. Can someone please tell me which is the original font to use? :idea:
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Re: Pokemon in others languages

Postby Spiral » 03 December 2016, 21:00


We have the sticker of pokemon blue version here ;)

And we don't have many italian and spanish contibutors.... :(

If you want to make customs, use the font : Helvetica ;)
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Re: Pokemon in others languages

Postby DaniRatcher » 04 October 2017, 21:51

Hello, I just made my own boxes for Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow in spanish, tell me if you interested and I will share them

PS: The colors are bad in imgur, I used CMYK colors
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Re: Pokemon in others languages

Postby Martwansito » 26 January 2018, 01:34

Hi! I think that I can help you with those stickers. Also, I have Pokemon Yellow box but it has some writting over it. I will scan them next week so take a look to the forum, please.
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Re: Pokemon in others languages

Postby Martwansito » 01 February 2018, 21:33

Hi there I've just uploaded the scans to the site. I'm missing Pokemon Silver. Pokemon Gold is in GBC section and all others went to GB.
I couldn't manage to avoid moiré patterns, if someone knows how to avoid it let me know pleaase!
Maybe it would be better to take a HQ photo instead of scanning...
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Re: Pokemon in others languages

Postby y(oYo) » 01 February 2018, 22:24


If you scan has moiré patterns, it will unfortunately rejected.
You can avoid it by setting scan resolution to at least 600dpi.

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Re: Pokemon in others languages

Postby Martwansito » 02 February 2018, 00:05

Yoyo, my scans are actually 600dpi. I tried to modify some parameters but didn't obtain a good result :(
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Re: Pokemon in others languages

Postby y(oYo) » 04 February 2018, 23:59

Well, what else to say :?
Can you try to rise the scan resolution to 1200 ?
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Re: Pokemon in others languages

Postby ruferpa » 23 July 2019, 10:11

DaniRatcher wrote:Hello, I just made my own boxes for Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow in spanish, tell me if you interested and I will share them

PS: The colors are bad in imgur, I used CMYK colors

Im interesed in that boxes, can you send me the files? i want the 3. THANKS
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