- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

Collaborative library of Nintendo boxes

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Question about a box I made

Vous éprouvez des difficultés à scanner vos boites ? Vous ne savez pas pourquoi vous obtenez des côtés de taille différente au moment de l'assemblage de votre boite ? Vous bloquez sur un détail de retouche ? Parlez après le bip. Biiiiiiiiip...

Question about a box I made

Postby DaKoolDood » 13 October 2020, 22:54

Salut! Pas un locuteur natif français et il semble que ce forum soit majoritairement francophone, donc je posterai ceci en français et en anglais. Si cela n'a pas de sens, c'est parce que j'utilise Google Traduction, désolé. Je me demandais si je pourrais partager cette boîte que j'ai faite. Le jeu n'a pas de liste sur le site et je n'ai pas de scan, je l'ai juste fait en utilisant des actifs de couvertures personnalisées et d'annonces eBay pour référence. Je sais que les lignes directrices indiquent qu'une analyse doit être téléchargée pour comparaison, mais j'espérais que quelqu'un d'autre que moi pourrait en tirer profit. Merci!

Hi! Not a native French speaker and it looks like this forum is mostly French-speaking so I'll post this in both French and English. If it doesn't make sense it is because I am using Google Translate, sorry. I was wondering if I could share this box that I've made. The game does not have a listing on the site and I do not have a scan, I just made it using assets from custom covers and eBay listings for reference. I know that the guidelines say that a scan must be uploaded for comparison but I was hoping that someone other than me could get some use out of it. Thanks!

Posts: 2
Joined: 13 October 2020, 19:12

Re: Question about a box I made

Postby Setolam » 16 October 2020, 09:50

Hello, as far as I know this site only gather original covers that somebody must check and compare with the original to accept it in the web. I do not know how much your cover is near to original one, but it will be great if there was a place for customs, maybe it is not possible for space problems in the server.

Anyway thanks for your work and for share here, I think that in this post people can to get it, it will be nice if there was at least customs category in the forum even with external links.

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Joined: 18 March 2017, 19:53

Re: Question about a box I made

Postby Martwansito » 19 October 2020, 21:44

As you know the site must be strict about the preservation standards, as it main goal is to provide an accurate and freely available cover library, and they aren't that severe tho (300dpi scan).

But as a custom your cover it's pretty neat, clean work, someone will enjoy the cover and use it for sure :) You can publish all your customs in one topic for the sake of everyone and the staff may publish some of them if they find it useful.

Congrats for your work!
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Joined: 08 April 2017, 01:44
Location: Spain

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