- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

Collaborative library of Nintendo boxes

For NES, SNES, N64, G&W, GB, VB, GBC and GBA consoles
Enhance your loose video games collection for free
Help saving videogaming legacy
Contribute to the project by sending your scans and your restored boxes

Find how to make your boxes easily

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Hello, everybody!

Vous qui contribuez au site par vos envois de scans et vos retouches, ou tout simplement vous qui fabriquez vos propres boites grâce à NintAndBox, cet espace est à vous !
Vous pouvez créer votre propre topic afin de vous présenter, de mettre votre photo, de faire votre promo ou de renseigner la liste des boites que vous avez envoyé. Bref lâchez vous !

Hello, everybody!

Postby hmftech23 » 04 November 2022, 04:13

I come from the United States of America (English is my primary language. I don't know any bit of French, sorry!) and I want to make some reproduction boxes for my Game Boy Advance games in the near future, something that I have never even done before. I was watching a video on how to make a GBA reproduction box when this site was mentioned in that video, so I figured I'd join in the hopes of providing some raw scans of the American GBA games and, in the future, hopefully do full remakes of the box arts and game pak labels, not just retouches.

I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to everyone on this site. Greetings from America!
Posts: 1
Joined: 04 November 2022, 03:51

Re: Hello, everybody!

Postby Setolam » 04 November 2022, 04:37

Hello and welcome to the site, any contribution to increase the Nintandbox catalog and help to preserve videogames is welcome. You can use english and some translate web or extension for the browser to translate from french the forum posts.
I hope that you enjoy the site.
Posts: 88
Joined: 18 March 2017, 19:53

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