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Help to design cut files for packaging and trays

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Help to design cut files for packaging and trays

Postby miglus » 22 July 2022, 15:58

Hello guys

My name is Rafael, I am a graphic designer specializing in packaging design here in my country Brazil and I would like to contribute to the design of boxes and cartridge trays.
For that, you need a member who can guide me with the exact measurements of the boxes and trays of the cartridges, so I can design the vector cut files (.dxf, svg, pdf. studio) to be cut in domestic machines like Silhouette, Cricut , ScanNcut, Sizzix Eclips and professionals like Graphtec, Foison, Mimaki, Roland... among others.

Bonjour gars

Je m'appelle Rafael, je suis graphiste spécialisé dans la conception d'emballages ici dans mon pays le Brésil et j'aimerais contribuer à la conception de boîtes et de plateaux de cartouches.
Pour cela, vous avez besoin d'un membre qui puisse me guider avec les mesures exactes des boîtes et des plateaux des cartouches, afin que je puisse concevoir les fichiers de découpe vectoriels (.dxf, svg, pdf. studio) à découper dans des machines domestiques comme Silhouette , Cricut , ScanNcut, Sizzix Eclips et des professionnels comme Graphtec, Foison, Mimaki, Roland... entre autres.
Posts: 2
Joined: 22 July 2022, 15:37

Re: Help to design cut files for packaging and trays

Postby laurent2cv » 24 July 2022, 19:14


Tu trouveras tout ce qu'il te faut dans les différentes rubriques du site.
Quant a une utilisation professionnelle de l'utilisation de nos fichiers, ceci n'est pas l'essence du site.
Nous sommes mêmes tout a fait contre cette utilisation.

Hi there,

You will find everything you need in the different sections of the site.
As for a professional use of our files, this is not the essence of the site.
We are even against this use.

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Joined: 29 December 2014, 14:27

Re: Help to design cut files for packaging and trays

Postby miglus » 25 July 2022, 23:21

My idea is not to use it commercially, but to facilitate and automate the process of manufacturing the boxes by Nintandbox members who have a printer, laminator and cutting machine.
I'm about to receive some boxes that I bought in an old game store here in my country, I'm going to take the exact measurements and as soon as I design and test them I'll come back here to share with you.


Mon idée n'est pas de l'utiliser commercialement, mais de faciliter et d'automatiser le processus de fabrication des boîtes par les membres de Nintandbox qui disposent d'une imprimante, d'une plastifieuse et d'une machine de découpe.
Je suis sur le point de recevoir des boîtes que j'ai achetées dans un ancien magasin de jeux ici dans mon pays, je vais prendre les mesures exactes et dès que je les ai conçues et testées, je reviendrai ici pour partager avec vous.
Posts: 2
Joined: 22 July 2022, 15:37

Re: Help to design cut files for packaging and trays

Postby Setolam » 27 July 2022, 03:48

Hello, and welcome to the forum I think that not all boxes has exactly the same measures, but there are a standard measure that you can use. For example Super Famicom boxes has 19cmx10,50 or 10,60 and about 3cm, but you can see boxes with 18,9 in high or 2,90 in wide. You can check scans here and see what measures it have, but retouched boxes will have the same measures because usually there are doing with templates.

The best way to get measures I suppose that is take the measures of some boxes and use the average. The ideal way to get exactly measures will be broken the boxes and scan it as flat box as A3 size, but not so many people can do it.

I do not so much interested in printed aspect, I more focus in preserve games and documenting it, then I am interested the measures and Brazil versions. I hope that you can share your experience here with your work and will be great if you can share the boxes and manuals that you bought here.

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Joined: 18 March 2017, 19:53

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