- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

Collaborative library of Nintendo boxes

For NES, SNES, N64, G&W, GB, VB, GBC and GBA consoles
Enhance your loose video games collection for free
Help saving videogaming legacy
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Hello Everyone!

Vous qui contribuez au site par vos envois de scans et vos retouches, ou tout simplement vous qui fabriquez vos propres boites grâce à NintAndBox, cet espace est à vous !
Vous pouvez créer votre propre topic afin de vous présenter, de mettre votre photo, de faire votre promo ou de renseigner la liste des boites que vous avez envoyé. Bref lâchez vous !

Hello Everyone!

Postby Sh4rk3 » 12 July 2022, 15:13

Hello! I'm from Italy and I'm looking to make a whole collection of boxes, all in Italian and as close as the originals as possible.
I have all the Pokemon games from yellow to black2, all in perfect state cartridges but no boxes to put them into.
I'm actually looking to print my own boxes in high quality, (still looking for a way to make the foil boxes), with the inner tray and possibly
the instructions papers inside! I need a lot of scans! All my nds games have the original box, but some of them have missing papers that
I need to replace!
Hoping this community will help me getting brought all of this hard work!
Posts: 1
Joined: 12 July 2022, 15:09

Re: Hello Everyone!

Postby Martwansito » 13 July 2022, 13:37

Welcome and greetings from Spain my friend ❤️

Sadly Pal-B scans are pretty rare :cry:
Posts: 62
Joined: 08 April 2017, 01:44
Location: Spain

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