- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

Collaborative library of Nintendo boxes

For NES, SNES, N64, G&W, GB, VB, GBC and GBA consoles
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Vous qui contribuez au site par vos envois de scans et vos retouches, ou tout simplement vous qui fabriquez vos propres boites grâce à NintAndBox, cet espace est à vous !
Vous pouvez créer votre propre topic afin de vous présenter, de mettre votre photo, de faire votre promo ou de renseigner la liste des boites que vous avez envoyé. Bref lâchez vous !


Postby vilaman » 09 November 2020, 01:36

Salut, je m'appelle Vilaman et je suis nouveau sur le forum et j'ai lu un bon moment et j'aimerais collaborer avec vous, j'ai quelques choses à offrir, mais j'ai aussi beaucoup de doutes.
Je cherche une image de la console NES mais je ne la trouve pas, je ne sais pas où la chercher. Je veux aussi savoir où laisser mes images numérisées ...
Pouvez-vous m'aider
Posts: 4
Joined: 09 November 2020, 01:07


Postby Setolam » 09 November 2020, 02:48

Hello and welcome to the website, if you are looking for Nes box images it is in the upside menu, (in English menu) Games by Console, below is write Miscellaneous files.

About leave new scans, it will be very appreciated to have new scans, you can leave again in the upside menu in the last option, (in English) Contribute -> Drop files zone, then admins of the web can put in the correct area.

I hope that you enjoy in the place.
Best regards.

Google Translate to french
Bonjour et bienvenue sur le site, si vous cherchez des images de la boîte Nes, c'est dans le menu du haut, (dans le menu anglais) Games by Console, ci-dessous est écrit des fichiers divers.

À propos de laisser de nouveaux scans, il sera très apprécié d'avoir de nouveaux scans, vous pouvez repartir dans le menu du haut dans la dernière option, (en anglais) Contribuer -> Drop files zone, puis les administrateurs du web peuvent mettre dans la bonne zone .

J'espère que vous apprécierez l'endroit.
Meilleures salutations.
Posts: 88
Joined: 18 March 2017, 19:53


Postby vilaman » 10 November 2020, 00:37

OK thank you! I'm looking for a box scan in spanish and some people says than you have some "legal problems" with spanish scans ,,,is it true?
Other questions:
what resolution to upload scans?
If I have some mauals i have to scan 2 pages direcly on one by one?

thank you a lot!!
Posts: 4
Joined: 09 November 2020, 01:07


Postby Setolam » 10 November 2020, 03:26

Hello, I do not think that there are "legal problems" with spanish stuff, like all copyright stuff it cannot sell or take a benefit about it. Nintandbox accept all types of scans and all zones with a purpuse of share and preserve old stuff that are loosing.

The problem scanning console's boxes it that usually it is very big and you cannot scan in one pass you need use several scans depending of the size of your scan and then put all together. This because there not so much box scans.

About your questions, you can scan two pages or one, as is most comfortable for you. It is better one page but it can be done after, when you put it drop zone.

Good resolution is 300 dpi without compresion, but higher is better for example 600dpi. The most important thing is that there are not blured zones. Resolution it depends too of scanner, a good scanner can do better scans with less resolution, but with a cheaper scan maybe you need use higher resolution and push the box for avoid blured zones.

Thank to you.
Posts: 88
Joined: 18 March 2017, 19:53


Postby Martwansito » 11 November 2020, 02:22

Hi and welcome Vilaman!

Unfortunately, the reason for why there's not many Spanish scans is just that spanish people do not want to scan their collections, and share them with other people.
Here, retro gaming is just a business, not a hobby. Speculation is pretty common, and is pretty impossible to find NES games at cheap prices, I think it is the most expensive region to collect in every Nintendo platform. (this said from the perspective of a spanish collector)
If you have some stuff to offer, it would be incredible and highly appreciated, my friend.

Also, I have in my scan collection a decent scan of a NES spanish box (2 controllers version). It is kinda blurry tho... Not the best quality but it would look nice with a restoration. I took it from an user who posted it in EOL. Maybe I can upload it to the drop files zone.
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Joined: 08 April 2017, 01:44
Location: Spain


Postby vilaman » 13 November 2020, 12:58

thank you very much everyone for your collaboration. I have certainly read in many forums that in Spain a lot of people do business with this and many people have decided to leave the websites to prevent people from doing business with the effort of others. It’s a shame because if everyone shared all of this would have all the material they wanted to do it themselves.
I've been reviewing my NES games and I have (tennis, goonies II and rush'n attack) and I see that you already have them posted on the web and the instructions as well. I have seen that in the game rush'n attack they complain about the color of the box which should be silver. I can't attach a scan with the original color..the web says me archive is too big... :? There is another way to upload it?
If you can pass me a fantastic scan of the Spanish box or if you post it on the web everyone will be able to enjoy it.
Posts: 4
Joined: 09 November 2020, 01:07


Postby Setolam » 17 November 2020, 04:51

Hello, in my opinion the main problem it is not do business with it, I do not enter to valorate it, the main problem is cheating people selling things like it was the original one. I think that if people share it at least you have the option to choose what you want to do. Personally I never has printed nothing I would like to preserve old games for check about it or give the chance to see how was it to people that cannot live and buy in those moment.

About your file, I do not know how big is it, and I do not know which is nintandbox limit for files, but I saw files with about 150 Mb that I think that is good size for good quality. You can cut your file with any compress software for upload here,or you can save in jpg file without compresión for do it light too. I think that 300ppp or 600ppp will be enough for a good quality.

If you want to preserve with the better quality possible the best option is create an account, where there are not limit size for files, then you can upload and preserve there your stuff with the better quality and share the links here, anybody can take it for information or for retouch it for add to the web.

Regards and I hope that this can help you.
Posts: 88
Joined: 18 March 2017, 19:53

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