- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

Bibliothèque de boites de jeux Nintendo

Pour consoles NES, SNES, N64, G&W, GB, VB, GBC et GBA
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English (sub)forum

On parle ici de l'actualité propre au site, de ses nouvelles fonctionnalités, de vos propositions pour améliorer tout ça (ben mince alors je pensais que NintAndBox était déjà parfait, sic !).

English (sub)forum

Message par kimmokissa » 14 Juillet 2013, 00:33

Hello. I like this website, i have printed some boxes for my loose cartridges. but im having a hard time understanding french, and that google translate isnt always the perfect choice.. Is there any chance for an english forum or even a subforum? im sure that would be a good idea to reach even more people :)

It is nice to have the main site as english but when the forum links guide us to "introduce yourself" etc. then suddently everything is in french.
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : 01 Juillet 2013, 20:42

Re: English (sub)forum

Message par y(oYo) » 14 Juillet 2013, 09:55

Hello !
I'm agree with you to say that the forum is not perfect as is :)
I don't know if you knew the previous website, but everything was in french.
So for NintAndBox, it's a great evolution to have it in both french or english.
For the forum, I had a hard time finding the best way to make it "international".
And then I found the Google translate button, and I thought it was a perfect solution for everybody to speak in his mother language.
But apparently it does not work well, or confuse people :(
I'm affraid to split the forum, because some of us here in France are able to understand both languages.
English people should know that they can also speak in english here, no problem.
But maybe I have to improve the forum to make it more understandable.
If I split the forum in different languages, I'm affraid to also split audiences.
And I want people meet together, so you see, it's a sensitive subject :lol:
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Message(s) : 3086
Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
Localisation : Nice (06)

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