- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

Bibliothèque de boites de jeux Nintendo

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Some changes...

On parle ici de l'actualité propre au site, de ses nouvelles fonctionnalités, de vos propositions pour améliorer tout ça (ben mince alors je pensais que NintAndBox était déjà parfait, sic !).

Some changes...

Message par Microgrind » 27 Janvier 2014, 05:24

Im sure Im not the only American on this site but i think a section for english versions of the boxes would be nice... I have edited 2 so far and they are pretty good but Im sure someone can do better.
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Message(s) : 4
Inscription : 25 Janvier 2014, 17:29

Re: Some changes...

Message par tachikoma33 » 27 Janvier 2014, 09:24

Actually, US versions of game boxes are available, look for the region code on the title.
AME => US versions
EUR => PAL european version (UK, French, Dutch, German...)
ASI => Japanese version

This is a french site, so you will find mainly PAL FAH versions of games. But not only ! :)
If you have US version of boxes, stickers and manuals of a game wich are not saved here, don't hesitate to share your scans. ;)
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Inscription : 31 Juillet 2013, 14:04
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Re: Some changes...

Message par y(oYo) » 27 Janvier 2014, 20:17

Like tachikoma33 said, this website's aim is already to collect the maximum versions for each game.
Even though, for the same region, I want also to gather any languages combination / variation.
Just have a look at any game folder, and you will find some US materials, or some Japanese ones.
But I'm agree with you, I have a visibility issue regarding the game's folder content, and unfortunately currently not enough spare time to improve it.
But It will be improved, more detailled later, just be patient ;)

Regarding the forum, I guess the American people who are coming here may think that the website is exclusively in french.
But it doesn't!
I thought adding a translate button to each post, so you could translate on the fly, but this feature may not be very well understood :?
So I guess the perfect solution would be to split the forum between french and english version.
I have to think about that.

Anyway, enjoy the website, and please feel free to contribute if you have some US boxes we don't.
This will entice other to do the same!
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Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
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Re: Some changes...

Message par Microgrind » 27 Janvier 2014, 22:28

Where would I post them?
Message(s) : 4
Inscription : 25 Janvier 2014, 17:29

Re: Some changes...

Message par will13009 » 27 Janvier 2014, 22:46

Hi, to post:
Contribute-->>Drop files zone: Send your files here!
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