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German NES BOXES (SMB1, SMB3, Metroid, etc.)

Ok je sais ce que vous allez me dire, "j'ai une collection rétro qui déchire, patati patata, et grace à NintAndBox, j'ai pu encore plus l'embellir en habillant mes pauvres jeux en loose, merci je vous suis redevable sur 10 générations". Ah ouais ? Alors prouvez le ici, postez vos photos et frimez devant la galerie !

German NES BOXES (SMB1, SMB3, Metroid, etc.)

Message par koogloaf » 25 Novembre 2018, 16:07


I have some german cartridges without boxes, so I tried to re-touch all NES FRA or other versions to improve my collection. This is the result. Hope, the original authors won't mind these reworks. In some cases I made complete retyping - hopefully with proper fonts, etc. I had to made some really exciting investigations - now I know that the Austrian/Swiss distributors made altered boxes, and after that I made 2 versions for the NES-UM-FRG cartridge. The Metroid box was also a bit different from the other versions. (The main pic has more details, altered fonts, etc.)

These are small, resized pictures with 72 dpi. If the admins find it useful, I can make available the original 300 dpi versions.


PS: If I violated any rules, let me know and I delete immediately the post or the imgur gallery.
Message(s) : 5
Inscription : 01 Novembre 2013, 18:36

Re: German NES BOXES (SMB1, SMB3, Metroid, etc.)

Message par Setolam » 26 Novembre 2018, 02:38

Hello and thank you for your work, for me any collaboration is wellcome, it can be usefull for other german users or people that want to see it. If it not match with real box, can be markt as custom but at less there are the option to get german language.

Anyway wait for staff member's reply, I only want to thankfull your work.

Best regards.
Message(s) : 88
Inscription : 18 Mars 2017, 19:53

Re: German NES BOXES (SMB1, SMB3, Metroid, etc.)

Message par y(oYo) » 28 Novembre 2018, 00:09

Hello !
Great work ;)
But unfortunately, the aim of the site is original boxes, not customs :oops:
But if you want to share here your creations, you're welcome !
Thank you !
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Message(s) : 3086
Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
Localisation : Nice (06)

Re: German NES BOXES (SMB1, SMB3, Metroid, etc.)

Message par koogloaf » 28 Novembre 2018, 23:07


thanks! As I know the SMB3 boxes are 100% accurate to originals because I have the original boxes. :) I made the SMB1 from collection pictures, so I guess it's 90% accurate. (The only thing is the top... sadly I have no pictures of it.) The Metroid was really hard work with proper fonts, pictures, etc and I think it's accurate too. I made the Super Turrican box from pictures and scans of the original german box. (Was quite a job to find the proper fonts, etc.) But, you are the experts, so If you say these are just customs, I believe it. :)
Message(s) : 5
Inscription : 01 Novembre 2013, 18:36

Re: German NES BOXES (SMB1, SMB3, Metroid, etc.)

Message par y(oYo) » 29 Novembre 2018, 00:28

Maybe I misused the word "custom" :)
I believe your work is accurate.
But the only way for us to compare and validate the accuracy, is to get an original scan in order to publish it as a rework.
When we get a rework before a scan, it's 99,99% of the time slightly different than original.
Without "proof" of fidelity, I have to consider it as a custom ;)
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Message(s) : 3086
Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
Localisation : Nice (06)

Re: German NES BOXES (SMB1, SMB3, Metroid, etc.)

Message par koogloaf » 29 Novembre 2018, 06:45

y(oYo) a écrit :Maybe I misused the word "custom" :)
I believe your work is accurate.
But the only way for us to compare and validate the accuracy, is to get an original scan in order to publish it as a rework.
When we get a rework before a scan, it's 99,99% of the time slightly different than original.
Without "proof" of fidelity, I have to consider it as a custom ;)

Now it's clear to me. Thanks for the update. In this case, I think my SMB3 [NES-UM-NOE-1] fits the rules, because I worked with the scan which I found here.


Anyway, I will post all my work here with proper sizes and dpis and maybe it will be useful as customs for the nes enthusiasts too. :)
Message(s) : 5
Inscription : 01 Novembre 2013, 18:36

Re: German NES BOXES (SMB1, SMB3, Metroid, etc.)

Message par y(oYo) » 03 Décembre 2018, 01:03

Yep, you can send your SMB3 box in the Drop File Zone (Contribute menu) ;)
We will examinate your work, thank you very much !
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Message(s) : 3086
Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
Localisation : Nice (06)

Re: German NES BOXES (SMB1, SMB3, Metroid, etc.)

Message par koogloaf » 03 Décembre 2018, 17:10

Thanks y(oYo)! I did it already. Hope, it will pass the examination. :) And... As I wrote it before: here are my works. If you click on the picture, you can download the full, lossless version.

Super Mario Bros 1. [NES-SM-FRG] Custom German Box - based on the original.
(If you have any pictures of the top of the original, please le me know and I will re-touch that part of the box)

Super Mario Bros 3. [NES-UM-FRG] Custom German Box - based on the original.
(To tell the truth, I have the original box and It was based enterily on it. But until I don't make a proper scan, it's just custom.)

Metroid [NES-MT-NOE] Custom German Box - based on the original.
(I made a full research on this. The front and the back parts are based on scans which I found in the NintendoAge database, all the other parts based on photos. If you have time, give it a go and compare it with the french/dutch version: the front picture is a bit altered and has more details and "pixels". It was a real pain to re-construct the german picture, but after all I think it looks quite good.)

Super Turrican [NES-TU-FRG] Custom German Box - based on the original.
(It was my first attempt to make a repro box. It's based on the french/dutch version but with proper german text and fonts. It's not so great, but I think it's quite good if you want to make a german box.)

Thanks, if you looked my works and I hope I made some spirit to make another people to create unique repro boxes.
Message(s) : 5
Inscription : 01 Novembre 2013, 18:36

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