- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

Bibliothèque de boites de jeux Nintendo

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Pokemon Gold (Version Or) Reproduction

Ok je sais ce que vous allez me dire, "j'ai une collection rétro qui déchire, patati patata, et grace à NintAndBox, j'ai pu encore plus l'embellir en habillant mes pauvres jeux en loose, merci je vous suis redevable sur 10 générations". Ah ouais ? Alors prouvez le ici, postez vos photos et frimez devant la galerie !

Pokemon Gold (Version Or) Reproduction

Message par PX0 » 30 Septembre 2018, 15:20

Hey guys,

I have already created many Game Boy "covers" over at, since I found it much easier to print an insert for a DS case. But I have always wanted to give cardboard boxes a try. So here is my first contribution:

The box is completly recreated with vectorized logos, retyped text, high resolution artwork and digital screenshots. I took the scan that is already on the site as a template.

Pokémon - Version Or
Message(s) : 3
Inscription : 20 Décembre 2015, 12:27

Re: Pokemon Gold (Version Or) Reproduction

Message par Martwansito » 01 Octobre 2018, 21:03

Hi PX0, welcome and thank you. You have some amazing skills there, so I'm pretty sure you can do many valuable contributions to this site. Please stay with us!!

I'm not a staff member, so my word means no much here, but I think that the site's philosophy is more into the restauration side that the recreation one. I mean, your work is clean and nice looking 10/10, but feels kinda different from the original scan available at N&B, so you should take care with that my friend. Nevertheless, restoring that type of boxes with complex background is an insane work, and a perfect match is impossible.
Users would enjoy your job for sure, but i don't know what do moderators think. I wish I can see your work published at some point, so let's wait and see what they say :)
Message(s) : 62
Inscription : 08 Avril 2017, 01:44
Localisation : Spain

Re: Pokemon Gold (Version Or) Reproduction

Message par PX0 » 01 Octobre 2018, 21:51

First of all thank you for your kind words. :)

I am open for suggestions and can correct stuff. What exactly do you think does not match the original?
Message(s) : 3
Inscription : 20 Décembre 2015, 12:27

Re: Pokemon Gold (Version Or) Reproduction

Message par nono7 » 01 Octobre 2018, 22:42

good job ! ;)
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Message(s) : 654
Inscription : 22 Septembre 2015, 20:34

Re: Pokemon Gold (Version Or) Reproduction

Message par Martwansito » 02 Octobre 2018, 02:41

Maybe the original scan is so bad that is hard to believe that somebody could do such a clean work like yours whith it :lol: :lol:
It has some little things, like the shadow in the game boy color label which I don't know if it appears in the scan, and things like that.
Don't think that I'm underestimating your work, or something like that. On the contrary, I really admire the result. Already waiting for more!
Message(s) : 62
Inscription : 08 Avril 2017, 01:44
Localisation : Spain

Re: Pokemon Gold (Version Or) Reproduction

Message par PX0 » 06 Octobre 2018, 20:10

I have updated the image with some minor changes (see first post). :)
Though I don't think there is much of a difference, I exchanged the Game Boy Color logo with one from an official digital render image (-> of another GBC box.

The scan on the site is indeed not perfect. (No offense! :D ) It is slightly tilted to the right and distorted in some areas. (My guess would be, that either the box did not lay completely flat on the scanner or that the image has been slightly stretched afterwards.)

I tried to correct these errors with measurements from my own boxes (scans) and what made sense symmetrical. So it might be, that not everything lines up 100% with the scan.
Message(s) : 3
Inscription : 20 Décembre 2015, 12:27

Re: Pokemon Gold (Version Or) Reproduction

Message par Martwansito » 10 Mars 2019, 21:34

Hey, I wanted to do a lil bump on this, just because it hasn't been checked yet and it is a high priority request!
Message(s) : 62
Inscription : 08 Avril 2017, 01:44
Localisation : Spain

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