- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

Bibliothèque de boites de jeux Nintendo

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Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy EUR (Custom)

Ok je sais ce que vous allez me dire, "j'ai une collection rétro qui déchire, patati patata, et grace à NintAndBox, j'ai pu encore plus l'embellir en habillant mes pauvres jeux en loose, merci je vous suis redevable sur 10 générations". Ah ouais ? Alors prouvez le ici, postez vos photos et frimez devant la galerie !

Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy EUR (Custom)

Message par protomank » 02 Août 2015, 18:52

I had this unlicensed game with complete box. Sadly when I was young I cut the box and put it on a Genesis-like plastic one. Now that I started collecting NES games, I wanted to box again, but here you could only found the american version of the box.
I sent it, but it was rejected for being custom, so I'm posting it here, so people can maybe find and use it anyway.

Scan (7.2MB):
Box A3 (4.3MB):

I was faithful to the positions and porportions by using several sources. The only thing I changed was that the original box had a star cut that was used to see the golden cartridge inside it. As it was a cut in the paper, I filled it with image, so you can choose to cut the star by yourself or just leave the box without it, as I prefer.

Hope it is useful to someone.
Message(s) : 3
Inscription : 11 Décembre 2014, 11:07

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