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How to print the boxes ?

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How to print the boxes ?

Message par husko » 21 Mars 2015, 17:24

Tutorial made by Yoyo.
translated by Husko.

You have printed a box, but damn, when gluing together the two parts you realize that they are different sizes !
As a result you think the boxes available on the site are not the right size and you are going to write me a mail and let me know...
Read this short tutorial carefully for pity' s sake !
Before all else, to put an end to all doubts, all boxes of the site are the right print size.
That's done...

Then, the most common mistake is to print directly with Windows, worse with Paint.
Do not use Windows or Paint, these aren't photo software. They can not interpret the resolution files correctly, and print in full page screen most of the time.
So what to do doctor ?
In fact you must open your images in an image editing software, and print with it. The editing software can manage the image resolution very well, and keep the right size when printing with millimetre accuracy.
Each file is saved in a 300 dpi resolution (Dot Per Inch). Inch by 2.54 cm in length,
there is therefore in each image 300 color pixels for 2,54cm².

NintAndBox recommends that you use the free image editing software " The Gimp " (available on the official website: )

It's an image editor complete and very powerful, also used on NintAndBox for editing boxes.
You can download the latest version in the "Downloads" section and install it on your computer.

Run Gimp and open your file.
Finally, in the image window, find the file menu / Print :

impression_gimp.jpg (96.41 Kio) Consulté 769717 fois

A window appears, click on the tab "Image Settings", then check that the image resolution is 300 dpi, as shown in the following screenshot. If necessary, modify these values, and make sure the size of the image is consistent in centimeters (compared to a A4 surface area):

gimp_pictsize.jpg (72.14 Kio) Consulté 769717 fois

As often in IT, things do not go as planned... And it may be that Gimp is not working well for your computer or printer configuration.
Fortunately, there are other free software (and quality).
PhotoFiltre is one of them, and here's how to print boxes (no matter the console) of NintAndBox :

pf01.jpg (152.79 Kio) Consulté 769717 fois

Start by running the program and select the file you want to print.

pf02.jpg (151.1 Kio) Consulté 769717 fois

Click on " File / Print " menu.
A new window appears, and you will need to check the box "Actual Size"

pf03.jpg (81.61 Kio) Consulté 769717 fois

Then click the "Print" button, and voila !

Thanks to Nicola Wilser for his PhotoFiltre tutorial.
You can download PhotoFiltre on (please, feel free to let me know if any dead link).
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Message(s) : 34
Inscription : 02 Janvier 2013, 20:56

Re: How to print the boxes ?

Message par y(oYo) » 21 Mars 2015, 19:18

Thank you !
I put a link to your english translation on top of the french initial tutorial ;),6/t,50/p,225/#p225
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Message(s) : 3087
Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
Localisation : Nice (06)

Re: How to print the boxes ?

Message par husko » 21 Mars 2015, 22:20

no problem glad to help. i'll try to make more translation if i have some free time.
Now I was going to post a new message about the quality of the scans available on the site, more precisely the modification boxes as anyone can do the job. many boxes are good but unfortunately some of them doesn't look ok from my point of view. Like for exemple blurred text, image color or original logo, like the seal for final fantasy 2 on snes is a pal seal instead of usa. another example for the snes is the blue color on the logo of the pal version look darker than the original color and most of the snes boxes are like this, but it has always been like that since a long time ago, so i think no one complains about. :?
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Message(s) : 34
Inscription : 02 Janvier 2013, 20:56

Re: How to print the boxes ?

Message par luca-leto » 30 Juin 2015, 16:33

how do I export to PDF in PhotoFiltre?
Message(s) : 20
Inscription : 22 Janvier 2013, 23:32

Re: How to print the boxes ?

Message par will13009 » 30 Juin 2015, 16:38

luca-leto a écrit :how do I export to PDF in PhotoFiltre? ... ent=safari
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Message(s) : 2619
Inscription : 05 Juin 2013, 21:43
Localisation : Marseille

Re: How to print the boxes ?

Message par spinner » 08 Août 2015, 19:28

Can anyone suggest a method for MAC
Ideally a cheap or free photo program from the App Store
Printing direct is making the image larger
Thanks !
Message(s) : 3
Inscription : 07 Août 2015, 16:30

Re: How to print the boxes ?

Message par JETX2 » 14 Décembre 2015, 07:37

spinner a écrit :Can anyone suggest a method for MAC
Ideally a cheap or free photo program from the App Store
Printing direct is making the image larger
Thanks !

GIMP is open-source so it is also available for Mac OS-X.
Message(s) : 7
Inscription : 14 Décembre 2015, 04:40

Re: How to print the boxes ?

Message par gullytiger » 30 Décembre 2015, 01:48

Best card to use to print on please :D
Message(s) : 3
Inscription : 24 Octobre 2015, 22:21

Re: How to print the boxes ?

Message par N64_Elton _00 » 01 Janvier 2017, 20:05

Code : Tout sélectionner
husko a écrit :Tutorial made by Yoyo.
translated by Husko.

You have printed a box, but damn, when gluing together the two parts you realize that they are different sizes !
As a result you think the boxes available on the site are not the right size and you are going to write me a mail and let me know...
Read this short tutorial carefully for pity' s sake !
Before all else, to put an end to all doubts, all boxes of the site are the right print size.
That's done...

Then, the most common mistake is to print directly with Windows, worse with Paint.
Do not use Windows or Paint, these aren't photo software. They can not interpret the resolution files correctly, and print in full page screen most of the time.
So what to do doctor ?
In fact you must open your images in an image editing software, and print with it. The editing software can manage the image resolution very well, and keep the right size when printing with millimetre accuracy.
Each file is saved in a 300 dpi resolution (Dot Per Inch). Inch by 2.54 cm in length,
there is therefore in each image 300 color pixels for 2,54cm².

NintAndBox recommends that you use the free image editing software " The Gimp " (available on the official website: )

It's an image editor complete and very powerful, also used on NintAndBox for editing boxes.
You can download the latest version in the "Downloads" section and install it on your computer.

Run Gimp and open your file.
Finally, in the image window, find the file menu / Print :


A window appears, click on the tab "Image Settings", then check that the image resolution is 300 dpi, as shown in the following screenshot. If necessary, modify these values, and make sure the size of the image is consistent in centimeters (compared to a A4 surface area):


As often in IT, things do not go as planned... And it may be that Gimp is not working well for your computer or printer configuration.
Fortunately, there are other free software (and quality).
PhotoFiltre is one of them, and here's how to print boxes (no matter the console) of NintAndBox :


Start by running the program and select the file you want to print.


Click on " File / Print " menu.
A new window appears, and you will need to check the box "Actual Size"


Then click the "Print" button, and voila !

Thanks to Nicola Wilser for his PhotoFiltre tutorial.
You can download PhotoFiltre on (please, feel free to let me know if any dead link).
Code : Tout sélectionner
Dernière édition par N64_Elton _00 le 29 Janvier 2017, 19:17, édité 1 fois.
N64_Elton _00
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : 18 Juin 2016, 20:16

Re: How to print the boxes ?

Message par y(oYo) » 03 Janvier 2017, 10:50

What is the purpose of this last post?
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Message(s) : 3087
Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
Localisation : Nice (06)

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