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saving JPG without compression?

Vous éprouvez des difficultés à scanner vos boites ? Vous ne savez pas pourquoi vous obtenez des côtés de taille différente au moment de l'assemblage de votre boite ? Vous bloquez sur un détail de retouche ? Parlez après le bip. Biiiiiiiiip...

saving JPG without compression?

Message par Catfort » 22 Novembre 2022, 05:03

I notice in the information about uploading, there's a specific requirement that files are saved as JPGs without compression. my understanding of JPG is that they are compressed by definition... is there a way anyone knows to export JPG from photoshop without compression, or is uploading PNGs okay as well?
Message(s) : 3
Inscription : 20 Novembre 2022, 07:50

Re: saving JPG without compression?

Message par Setolam » 02 Décembre 2022, 05:06

Hello, upload jpg without compression means with the less compression prossible, because there so much difference between photoshop level 1 compression and 12 level without any compression, I suppose that other software have near options. I think that Nintandbox request this because all other formats with not compression can be very heavy files, with it means for bandwidth and disk spaces for a free website.

I think that you can use png files, if it does not have very have ppi, giving a relative small files. In others case you can use, that they do not have limit and share the links here.

Welcome to Nintandbox and I hope that you enjoy here.
Message(s) : 88
Inscription : 18 Mars 2017, 19:53

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