- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

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Message par The Doctor » 28 Novembre 2021, 10:20

Hi! I'm not sure if there's correct place to post this topic. I'd like to make a snes cartridge as a gift. It's Super Bomberman 2 (game without CR battery). I have only a question: can I bring my cartridge on airplane with me or I will be blocked at security airport? And if I buy a game with battery? What I should do? Someone has ever brought snes cartridges on airplane?

EDIT: My trip is a national flight from Italy.

Thank you for everyone who will answer. Have a good Sunday!
The Doctor
Message(s) : 11
Inscription : 15 Novembre 2018, 16:34


Message par Setolam » 29 Novembre 2021, 03:19

Hello, I think that you do not have any problem bring with you any cartridge, but you need to take it out your suitcase for scannig, because you need do it with all electronic devices that you bring with you, like your phone, that actually include battery too.

I cannot confirm, but there are difference for remobable battery devices and for not, you must remove all batteries but only if you can.
I bought some carts from Japan to Europe so many times, and I do not have problem with it, with and without battery, I never check about it have or not :roll: , but usually I put in my checked baggage.

I think that it is not change so much in this virus times, but I cannot confirm to 100%. Check your airline website, and if it is not clear, send they a email. But I think that you do not have any problem with it. Probadly if you forget put out for scanning, they stop you and open your luggage for check what is it. it is all.

Message(s) : 88
Inscription : 18 Mars 2017, 19:53


Message par The Doctor » 29 Novembre 2021, 09:30

Thank you for your answer. I phoned to Ryanair that tells me that a snes cartridge can be considered such as a phone or laptop and there should not be any problems to put them in carry-on baggage. I read that you brought them not in carry-on baggage but in checked baggage, right? Someone has brought snes cartridges in carry-on baggage?

PS. if a snes cartridge has battery, there are no problems because is a little battery (0,63 Watt/Hours) and the limit of battery on board is 100 Watt/hours. Ryanair operator confirmed it.
The Doctor
Message(s) : 11
Inscription : 15 Novembre 2018, 16:34


Message par The Doctor » 29 Novembre 2021, 09:43

UPDATE: I phoned to ENAC ( that's society who establishes rules of travelling in my country. Their operator tells me that there is not allowed to carry with me snes cartridge because it's an electronic device not of personal use such as phone or laptop. It could be seized because airport operator could consider that item dangerous or explosive. For this reason, I'll choose to ship my cartridge in order to avoid any risks. Thank you for you cooperation, my topic can be closed. Have a good day! :)
The Doctor
Message(s) : 11
Inscription : 15 Novembre 2018, 16:34

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