- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

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My Boxes fade can anyone give me some advice?

Vous éprouvez des difficultés à scanner vos boites ? Vous ne savez pas pourquoi vous obtenez des côtés de taille différente au moment de l'assemblage de votre boite ? Vous bloquez sur un détail de retouche ? Parlez après le bip. Biiiiiiiiip...

My Boxes fade can anyone give me some advice?

Message par stevieboy1 » 21 Octobre 2021, 21:31

Hi all I love these boxes and make them for a lot of my games but the last ones i made have all faded very badly within a few months :-( They are not in sunlight as my room has no windows and i want to re make them but dont want to spend hours re making them if they will fade so quickly again. Can anyone advise me on what i can do to stop them fading so quickly?
could it be the ink used in the printer? I have an epson xp 205 printer, can i spray them after printing with the fixative spray stuff to help?

I realy just need some advice on the best way forward. How do you all print yours and combate the fading issue?
Thank you and hope someone can help me.
best wishes
Steve ;-)
Message(s) : 7
Inscription : 10 Décembre 2017, 14:07

Re: My Boxes fade can anyone give me some advice?

Message par Oxinar » 13 Novembre 2021, 01:46

You can apply a matte or glossy varnish over the paint, this helps to protect it and even enhances the colors.
I apply three thin layers with an interval of 10 minutes between them and the result is amazing after drying.
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : 28 Mai 2014, 01:26

Re: My Boxes fade can anyone give me some advice?

Message par stevieboy1 » 25 Novembre 2021, 21:57

Oxinar a écrit :You can apply a matte or glossy varnish over the paint, this helps to protect it and even enhances the colors.
I apply three thin layers with an interval of 10 minutes between them and the result is amazing after drying.

Thank you for your reply I have brought some spray on inkjet glossy fixative spray and have re made the faded boxes. Fingers crossed it will do the job and help stop them fading. I supose time will tell but hopfully they will fair better.

Best wishes
Steve ;)
Message(s) : 7
Inscription : 10 Décembre 2017, 14:07

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