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How to print NES, SUPERNES boxes and manuals: help

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How to print NES, SUPERNES boxes and manuals: help

Message par legolas119 » 18 Octobre 2016, 22:18

Hi all

thank you for your great job in this site!

Well, I would lke to print boxes for my nes and supernes cartridges and manuales, if it is possible. But i have some questions:

1) If I want to print Nes and Supernes boxes, I need photographic paper, is it correct? If so, I think that i need to buy a paper of 350gr, but do you think that it is better opaque or shiny?

2) For both nes and Supernes boxes, is it correct A3 format? So I buy a package of 100 sheets and i can save money :) Is it available a tutorial so I can learn how to build the box after the printing?

3) do you think that it is better to print the paper with a laser jet printer?

4) Is it possible to print manuals too? if so, can you suggest the paper and format? And how can I print them? Or can I provide informations to a print house in order to print manuals in the right way?

thank you very much!
Message(s) : 13
Inscription : 18 Octobre 2016, 21:40

Re: How to print NES, SUPERNES boxes and manuals: help

Message par y(oYo) » 18 Octobre 2016, 23:55


Here is a topic to read first before making first box :,6/t,2073

Problem it's in french, but maybe the translate button can help you ?
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Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
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Re: How to print NES, SUPERNES boxes and manuals: help

Message par legolas119 » 19 Octobre 2016, 21:52


Well, I think that i can buy a pack of paper of 350grams, it seems ok. I don't know, do you think that it is better opaque or shiny? It is better in A3, it is correct for both Super Nes and Nes boxes, am I right?

Last question: i have downloaded some covers. Well, which are the right dimensions that i have to provide to the print house? Is it enough to provide them A3 paper and the .jpg file?

Do you think that I can ask informations here: ... /start,30/ ?

thank you very much!
Message(s) : 13
Inscription : 18 Octobre 2016, 21:40

Re: How to print NES, SUPERNES boxes and manuals: help

Message par y(oYo) » 20 Octobre 2016, 09:15

Well, I think that i can buy a pack of paper of 350grams, it seems ok. I don't know, do you think that it is better opaque or shiny? It is better in A3, it is correct for both Super Nes and Nes boxes, am I right?

Well, this is your choice, regading what rendering you want.
I personnaly don't print at home, but I prefer going to a professionnal printer. It is very cheap and the result is more clean and robust.
Just bring your files in an USB key, ask him to print on a A3 300g or 350g thick paper and here you go.
All is explained in the global tuto here :,6/t,2073

Last question: i have downloaded some covers. Well, which are the right dimensions that i have to provide to the print house? Is it enough to provide them A3 paper and the .jpg file?

All the files are in the correct size, just ask to the print house to print in actual size (I guess it's the english word ?).
Also, he should be able to provide you the paper, that best fit with his printer ;)
Juste bring the Jpeg files with you. Maybe I will ask you a PDF file with all the Jpeg inside, that depends on the print house.

Do you think that I can ask informations here: ... /start,30/ ?

Yes you can, but I think that your questions are already explained (in french though). Fell free to ask is the automatic translation is not perfect to understand.
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Message(s) : 3086
Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
Localisation : Nice (06)

Re: How to print NES, SUPERNES boxes and manuals: help

Message par legolas119 » 20 Octobre 2016, 22:38

many thanks!
ok, i will use a printer shop :) I thought to buy the paper here for example: ... &Cat=24240
It is in italian, but the first is shiny, the second is opaque and then i can give the paper to the shop...but i don't know if it is possible. Otherwise I will go directly to the printer shop :).

I have 2 additional questions:

1) If i print japanese Super famicom box like this: ... r-Metroid/ do you know it it is available the plastic internal box for the cartridge? Do you know what I mean? the transaprent plastic box for the carridge. I don't find them in any shop...

2) if I want to print manuals like this ... ion-manual do you think that a printer shop is able to print it?
Which are the informations that i have to provide them? Type of paper (300 gr opaque paper?) and so on?

thank you!
Message(s) : 13
Inscription : 18 Octobre 2016, 21:40

Re: How to print NES, SUPERNES boxes and manuals: help

Message par y(oYo) » 20 Octobre 2016, 23:34

You can buy somes on eBay :
It's a french seller, but I guess he will be able to shop worldwide.

Yes, take an original manual to your print house, he will advise you.

Good luck!
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Message(s) : 3086
Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
Localisation : Nice (06)

Re: How to print NES, SUPERNES boxes and manuals: help

Message par legolas119 » 21 Octobre 2016, 22:44

ah ok!! many thanks! great! yes I will buy the case for super-famicom!

do you think that the more similar paper to the original for Nes and Super nes boxes is the shiny or opache paper?

Message(s) : 13
Inscription : 18 Octobre 2016, 21:40

Re: How to print NES, SUPERNES boxes and manuals: help

Message par y(oYo) » 22 Octobre 2016, 08:57

I would say opaque, but it's my point of view :D
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Message(s) : 3086
Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
Localisation : Nice (06)

Re: How to print NES, SUPERNES boxes and manuals: help

Message par legolas119 » 22 Octobre 2016, 13:59

thank you!
Message(s) : 13
Inscription : 18 Octobre 2016, 21:40

Re: How to print NES, SUPERNES boxes and manuals: help

Message par legolas119 » 25 Octobre 2016, 21:44


well, i printed a supernes box, in paper of 300gr because it is the maximum size of my printer shop.

The result is good, but i think that probably it is better a 350gr, are you agree? it seems that a 300gr is too thin...

do you use 300 or 350gr for your nintendo and super nintendo box? do you think that 300gr is enough?

speaking about the scan of manuals, the printer shop said that i have to separate every scan in 2 pages because otherwise it is impossible to print the manual front/rear correctly. What can I use in order to cut every scan in 2 pages?

thank you!
Message(s) : 13
Inscription : 18 Octobre 2016, 21:40

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