- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

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Seam on the wrong side on the SNES boxes

Vous éprouvez des difficultés à scanner vos boites ? Vous ne savez pas pourquoi vous obtenez des côtés de taille différente au moment de l'assemblage de votre boite ? Vous bloquez sur un détail de retouche ? Parlez après le bip. Biiiiiiiiip...

Seam on the wrong side on the SNES boxes

Message par PMA » 10 Octobre 2016, 09:21

Sorry if this has been discussed anywhere else but it's hard to search when most of the forum is in french. :)

I've been wondering, how come the templates look as they do here? If you fold them like they are printed, the seam/white edge of the box ends up in the top front of the box, very visible. On an Original box it would be in the bottom back.

Shouldn't they look like this attached picture instead to get the seam on the back, and not in the front? (Or am I missing something here..? :) )
Pièces jointes
MegamanX_SeamInTheBack.JPG (71.44 Kio) Consulté 15294 fois
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : 14 Septembre 2016, 14:13

Re: Seam on the wrong side on the SNES boxes

Message par y(oYo) » 10 Octobre 2016, 10:30

Yup, you are right for both : Seam on the wrong side, and already discussed a lot :D
When I did A3 download mode, I choosed to put things like this to be able to recognize repro boxes more easily (once again thanks to all ebay repro sellers...).
A lot of time passed by, and I never saw a repro box exactly the same as an original one (even though some people claimed to have found the perfect printer)
So I already decided to revert seam side.
Then, the only question is when I'll have the time to do it ?
I hope by the end of this year :?
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