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Vous qui contribuez au site par vos envois de scans et vos retouches, ou tout simplement vous qui fabriquez vos propres boites grâce à NintAndBox, cet espace est à vous !
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par Catfort » 22 Novembre 2022, 04:58
Hello from the US! I've recently gotten into getting Repro boxes, but buying and waiting for boxes from Etsy is a real chore, and doesn't have the fun of making something yourself. I hope to be able to not only fill up my collection where online shops might miss out (this is the only place that has the GW judge box, for instance!), but I hope to also find ways to contribute on my own as well! I'm a programmer by trade, so it always warms my heart to see a large scale open source project like this
- Message(s) : 3
- Inscription : 20 Novembre 2022, 07:50
par Setolam » 02 Décembre 2022, 05:11
Hello, any help to expand games repository is more than welcome, not so many people share things. I hope that you find some funny here and can contribute with some things specially missing games boxes or instrutions booklets.
It will be great if someday all boxes have an online backup, for anybody can check or read about how the games was.
- Message(s) : 88
- Inscription : 18 Mars 2017, 19:53
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