On parle ici de l'actualité propre au site, de ses nouvelles fonctionnalités, de vos propositions pour améliorer tout ça (ben mince alors je pensais que NintAndBox était déjà parfait, sic !).
by zzattack » 31 January 2016, 14:38
When somebody writes a post with a link to another topic on the site, we always end up in the same language as the original link. I think it would be cool if the link was automatically converted to the English/French version, depending on the users own selection. Is this possible?
- Posts: 10
- Joined: 04 July 2015, 17:33
by y(oYo) » 31 January 2016, 23:46
I did not notice this issue.
Thanks I'll see what I can do.
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- Joined: 26 November 2009, 14:06
- Location: Nice (06)
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