- Bibliothèque de boites Nintendo en haute résolution à fabriquer soi-même

Collaborative library of Nintendo boxes

For NES, SNES, N64, G&W, GB, VB, GBC and GBA consoles
Enhance your loose video games collection for free
Help saving videogaming legacy
Contribute to the project by sending your scans and your restored boxes

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Hi Everyone!

Vous qui contribuez au site par vos envois de scans et vos retouches, ou tout simplement vous qui fabriquez vos propres boites grâce à NintAndBox, cet espace est à vous !
Vous pouvez créer votre propre topic afin de vous présenter, de mettre votre photo, de faire votre promo ou de renseigner la liste des boites que vous avez envoyé. Bref lâchez vous !

Hi Everyone!

Postby Nala69 » 27 August 2020, 15:59

Hi all!
I Alan from Mexico, 30 years old.
Digital Graphic Designer who loves videogames since ever, special GBA.
Im making some files for myself but its time to share.
Thanks to all for making this site awsome!
Best regards!
Posts: 1
Joined: 20 March 2020, 04:34

Re: Hi Everyone!

Postby Jeff3786 » 27 August 2020, 19:08

Hello Nala69,

welcome here ; hope you'll find here what u need and thx for sharing ;)

See you soon !
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Re: Hi Everyone!

Postby Setolam » 28 August 2020, 03:32

Hello Alan and welcome to the web and thank you
for share here your stuffm any help is welcome to complete more games.

I hope that you enjoy here.
Posts: 88
Joined: 18 March 2017, 19:53

Re: Hi Everyone!

Postby nono7 » 28 August 2020, 09:59

welcome ! ;)
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Joined: 22 September 2015, 20:34

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